N7: I’m a walking drugstore (currently being robbed by drunks).

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Just a quickie hello to the world, ’cause the Mighty Mighty MoxieSnacks is over, and we’re getting our drank on. It’s a thing that happens every few weeks, and usually when it’s deeply crapulent weather outside (as opposed to what – the weather inside?)

Oh, so I don’t have the headache today, but I am crackling some sorta tinfoil in my chest that makes me cough when I lie down, and my nose decided to have a gushing freakout, so I raided the bathroom cabinet.

So I’m on:

  1. About 2000cc of vitamin C. Couldn’t hoit.
  2. One daytime antihistamine/allergy thing (Sleep? Hah!)
  3. One nighttime sinus cold thing (Staying awake? Hah!)
  4. A cup of coffee (to smooth me out).
  5. A glass or two of Arrogant Frog “Ribet Red”. $12/bottle
  6. A glass of Peller Estates “Proprietor’s Reserve” $13/BIG BOTTLE

So I’m not writing much today, but I’m sure as hell yammering a LOT. Srsly. Shut. Me. Up.

Karla got to me, and I signed up to Twitter. It seems that NONE of my friends are on Twitter (with the same email address that I have for them in my messenger).

So yeah. I’m doing that.

Oh, and our soundtrack tonight was brought to us by RadioParadise. Thanks to Clara a few years ago for pointing me towards them.

Posted on November 8th 2008 in Brainfarts, Friends, Music, People

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