In which our hero finds himself endlessly fascinating, and thinks everyone else will agree with his take on things.
Ooh! Lookie Me, I’m A Reflecto Ninja!
Can you see around corners in your house? I can, sorta. Meaning, I know where every single reflective surface is in the place. I think it comes from wearing glasses from a fairly young age, and learning that I had what were essentially rear-view mirrors in my periphery.
Also, probably owing to some dyslexia, I got pretty good at flipping things horizontally a few times to decide what the most likely usage of a particular letter might be. Comes in handy when you’re looking in a mirror or two to see whether or not there’s a junkie on the porch (it’s happened a few times) without actually being directly visible from the outside.
Where was I going? Oh yeah, I’m fascinating. Maaaaan of mysteryyyyyy…
I have two theories I’d like to share, wanna hear them?