Day 11: I’m all OCD & have theories and stuff.


In which our hero finds himself endlessly fascinating, and thinks everyone else will agree with his take on things.

Ooh!  Lookie Me, I’m A Reflecto Ninja!

Can you see around corners in your house?  I can, sorta.  Meaning, I know where every single reflective surface is in the place.  I think it comes from wearing glasses from a fairly young age, and learning that I had what were essentially rear-view mirrors in my periphery.

Also, probably owing to some dyslexia, I got pretty good at flipping things horizontally a few times to decide what the most likely usage of a particular letter might be.  Comes in handy when you’re looking in a mirror or two to see whether or not there’s a junkie on the porch (it’s happened a few times) without actually being directly visible from the outside.

Where was I going?  Oh yeah, I’m fascinating.  Maaaaan of mysteryyyyyy…

I have two theories I’d like to share, wanna hear them?

Click here to read more.. »

Posted on November 11th 2008 in Friends, General

Nmo 10, a short day, wiht lots in it.


So it’s 5 to THREE, and I’m grabbing a cab to unconsciousville in a moment, but wanted to make a few quick observations before today becomes yesterday, and my mental snooze-bar gets slapped, erasing the day.

Tate is great at whatever sport we throw at him, including volleyball, which I thought would be too much for his non-sport-raised three-year-old self, but instead he managed to plaster the ball off the low-ceilinged-part of the gym and offa dad’s head, which brought a well-deserved laugh from all involved.

Arwen gets full points for telling me, mid phone call, that I should go OUT and DO something on a Monday night, because tomorrow is Remembrance Day in Canada, which will (it seems) be remembered this year by a certain non-military-going offspring of an offspring by being hungover and generally not feeling good until after the third or fourth cup of water/coffee.

While neither of my mom’s side of the fam died in a war, they were both there in the mess, I think. That’s a topic for tomorrow, I think.

According to television marketing, there are a lot of people sitting at home, drunk, with credit cards, thinking they’d have company tonight except for that stupid lack of abdominals.

The office is on, if you go up the channels high enough, so not all is lost for society at large in North America.

Note: People still dance. Even to 25+ year old music. Even people who aren’t 25 yet.

The goths dance to all sorts of things, not just the goth stuff. Anything short of Pump Up the Volume, and the goths are suddenly kickin’ it old school.

I don’t feel sick any more, just kinda tipsy, and sleepy.


Oh, and I have a terrible, terrible mustache right now, and it’s all Movember’s fault.

Posted on November 11th 2008 in General
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