I must be doing something right, I’m getting more spam in my filters in the last week than I have in the last year.
Found out something cute today, as a sorta followup to something fun Arwen found out a few years back. When she was doing some research for her degree, she was reading something about “Sniffer” programs (used to watch/capture network communications), and came across a German article talking about “Shnuffleprograms,” and we had a good giggle about it.
I mentioned it to someone at work who speaks German, and they pronounced it for me. It’s even cuter than Arwen and I originally thought.
It’s pronounced “Shnewfil-program.”
Click here to read more.. »
Posted on November 13th 2008 in
During Movember (the month formerly known as November) I’m growing a Moustache. That’s right, I’m bringing the Mo back because I’m passionate about tackling men’s health issues and being proactive in the fight against prostate cancer.
To donate to my Mo you can either:
1. Click this link https://www.movember.com/ca/donate/donate-details.php?action=sponsorlink®o=2116366&country=ca and donate online using your credit card or PayPal account, or
2. Write a cheque payable to the ‘Prostate Cancer Research Foundation of Canada’, referencing my Registration Number 2116366 and mailing it to:
Prostate Cancer Research Foundation of Canada
Attn: Movember
145 Front Street East
Suite 306
Toronto Ontario M5A 1E3
Donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.
The money raised by Movember is donated directly to the Prostate Cancer Research Foundation of Canada who will use the funds to create awareness and fund research across the country into prevention, detection and treatment, with a goal to ending the threat of prostate cancer.
Did you know:
• Every year around 24,700 Canadian men are diagnosed with prostate cancer and about 4,300 die of the disease, making it the number one cancer threat to Canadian men.
• 1 in 7 men will develop prostate cancer in their lifetime.
• All men over the age of 40 are potentially at risk and should talk to their doctor about the disease and early detection. Prostate cancer is 95% curable if detected and treated early.
For those that have supported Movember in previous years you can be very proud of the impact it has had and can check out the details at:
[ Fundraising Outcomes ].
Movember culminates at the end of month Gala Partés. If you would like to be part of this great night you’ll need to purchase a [ Gala Parté Ticket ].
Thanks for your support,
More information is available at http://www.movember.com/.
Movember is proudly grown by Canadian Club, Mercedes-Benz and Philips.
Movember is a proud partner of the Prostate Cancer Research Foundation of Canada.
Posted on November 13th 2008 in
Arwen was going through our inbound links, and found out there’s an IT videoblog overseas (well, maybe not, maybe they’re just both English) that’s using a track (titled He Feels Guilty Now) from my first album as their closing credits. This is seriously surreal, since that track was started some time in ’97 or so, back when I was using a freakin’ DOS program to make 8-track “music” called FastTracker, and wasn’t finished until 1999, for the album “Through the Windows of the Temple.”
I often wonder what the music for certain commercials or radio shows are (Johnny Vancouver and I did a whole podcast about television and movie music), but it seems the folks at www.ITIdiots.com are asked often enough that they put it on the main page of their site.
Music Used By The Shows
Friday, 21 December 2007 |
We thought that based on the number of requests we receive for information on the ITidiots show music that we would give you all the info and downloads directly from our website.
Opening Credits ITidiots is by FuriousBall and called So Funky It Stinks which you can download here.
Closing Credits ITidiots is by Gecko Temple and called He Feels Guilty Now which you can download here.
HD Car Run is by Samantha Murphy and called I Wanna Go Home which you can download here. |
Click here to read more.. »
Posted on November 13th 2008 in
Hey Cool,