15: Saturday Nightlife a Chez Gecko

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In which our hero does dishes, yells at the kids, and continues to grow his “moustache.”

Don’t have a lot to say tonight, ’cause Arwen’s out for a well-deserved night on the town, and I’ve been doing a little housekeeping (read: dishes), and keeping the kids from killing each other (or me killing them, for that matter). Today was a day of whiny kids, and whiny me. I slept in until 10 today, which is surreal for some reason, ’cause Arwen usually sleeps in on Saturdays, and then I get Sundays to sleep in. I don’t know why it seemed weird, but it did.

Fascinating, I know. Edge of your seat, huh?

Ooh, another spooky/scary/space movie. Screamers. Hmm… I think I remember something about this movie. The uh… the whatsit, the badness? Yeah, I think I remember that it’s bad.

Synopsis: The year is 2078, and on the planet Sirius 6B, a long, harsh, hate-filled war is being waged between the Alliance and the NEB’s. However the NEB’s are willing to begin peace talks, so Alliance leader Col. Joseph Hendricksson, accompanied by… The year is 2078, and on the planet Sirius 6B, a long, harsh, hate-filled war is being waged between the Alliance and the NEB’s. However the NEB’s are willing to begin peace talks, so Alliance leader Col. Joseph Hendricksson, accompanied by a man named Ace, and later a young boy, journey across the nuclear war-ravaged plains to meet with their foes. Upon their arrival, however, they discover that most of the NEB’s have been annihilated by the “screamers,” knife-brandishing robots that slice and slash humans simply for fun. Hendrickson and Ace soon realize that their lives are in grave danger, for it’s impossible to know who to trust… for the blood-seeking screamers can take on any form, from an inanimate object — to a young boy.

What they left out is that the first five minutes involve a guy wandering into the human’s compound, and before they snipe him (why? exactly?) he gets chunked by what looked like someone dragging a mini traffic cone under the sand. Like Tremors meets Dune, only with more stupid. Since a human with a gun seems to have ZERO chance of surviving for even a moment, what’s the point of being a mimic? Seems like a lot of extra work for no payoff.

28% on RottenTomatoes.com, so you KNOW it’s good.

I just sneezed like a crazy person, and now I smell honey. Not that I smell OF honey (I might, but I doubt it), but I can smell honey. Weird. Maybe I was a bee in a previous life. Maybe I was human, but died with a bee-hive on my head. That’d probably make ya sneeze.

Oooh, I’m a make waffles tomorrow morning. I usually end up infusing the waffles with something, instead of putting something ON them. Sometimes it’s things like bits of ham, or cheese, but I think I’m gonna do from fruit tomorrow. Pineapple. Tate likes that, and Ripley’ll probably be starving after overdoing it at dinner, and then yarfing shortly after going to bed. He’s sick-ish, but mostly he’s got a hair-trigger yarf reflex. So having a cold/flu thing that makes you cough really hard very quickly turns into sleeping on the floor with a big steel bowl next to his pillow, just in case. Poor dude.

Now, I’m gonna go write a letter to Arwen before she gets home, ’cause she likes it when I do that, and I like writing them too.

Posted on November 16th 2008 in General
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