17: What have you been DOING to this guitar?


Just caught a commercial for Guitar Hero World Tour (looking suspiciously like some OTHER three-piece band game by another company who simply bought the development company) but here’s the cooperative cross-over from hell:

Kentucky Friend Chicken.

Really? REALLY? Anybody’s who’s ever been passed the five-buttoned Guitar Hero controller immediately after a particularly sweaty-handed rendition of “Welcome to the Jungle” will know why this is a bad idea. Deep-fried chicken and plastic guitar buttons do NOT mix.

Waiting for the other shoe: Pizza and Wii (oh wait, THAT’S why everyone was spanging their controllers off their $3,000 plasma screens).

Of course, I routinely maw down (or is it mow down?) on licorice Goodies (which are recently GOODIER meaning more licorice and less half-crumbly candy stickettes) while sitting in front of my keyboard at work.

Oh, while doing some other stuff, I ran into a design site that has some stuff that nicely blew my mind for a good five minutes.

Part of the (literally) mind blowing Don't Play With Monkey

Part of the (literally) mind blowing Don't Play With Monkey

Oh, and in my days as a desktop technician, I’ve been called on a number of times to do data recovery for drives that have “died,” or are making horrible clicking noises. For the first time (as far as I know), someone has actually collected all the horrible click, grinding, chirping and buzzing noises hard drives make when they’re playing possum. Now, you just go to this site and listen to the various noises and weird pinging that hard drives make, and then explains what’s probably going on with the drive. (via Hack-A-Day). Might not save your data, but saves you from opening your computer case, sticking the phone in there and saying “So, is that bad?” to the guy at Best Buy.

Oh, and never ever ever EVAR take your computer to a place like Future Shop or Best Buy. Seriously, as much as we hate doing support for our friends (because of the whole “last touchies” thing, we generally don’t want to see you get screwed by some jerkwad at the store, who was selling cel phones yesterday.

And now, based on watching Canada’s Worst Driver season 4, I’ve decided that most of these people should just never drive ever again. I mean, the friends/spouses/children of these bad drivers have put them up to this, but I wonder if they can actually just plain call the cops instead, and say “Uh, yeah, you know what? Bob just shouldn’t be driving any more, like, at all.” How do these people get their licenses in the first place?

Sorta like that comedian I heard years ago, who suggested magnetic darts that you could harpoon into other cars who do stupid things, and the cops would automatically pull over anyone with three or more darts. At 10 darts, they just run you off the road.

Porches, Ferraris, and HumVees ship with two permanent darts.


Oh, and if you’re in a restaurant, with your family, and you have one of those Bluetooth earpiece things in your ear?

That’s a ‘poonin’.

Posted on November 17th 2008 in General, Grumpy Old Man, Hardware, Hey Cool

16th: Weird night out there.

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Went for a walk to Shoppers and then SuperValu to buy Qtips (it’s a thing, I just gotsa have my tips, yo), and some newspaper for a little random floor-board cramming, and it was sketchy out there tonight.

I mean, I live in the middle of Vancouver’s West End (well, to be fair, on the East Side of the West End), but wooftie. I saw the following things in no particular order:

  • Taser-armed security guard with a bad hat, watching the front door of Shoppers.
  • Less-than-subtle undercover security floor-walkers. (Seriously: Who buys a single houseplant at 11:10pm on a Sunday, by yourself? Didja drop something expensive last time you nabbed some punk stealing a Snickers bar?)
  • Police takedown of some sort.
  • Someone watching the takedown from 20ft away, with their hoodie pulled up like the world’s stupidest ninja.
  • Another hoodie & backpack guy watching from about 100ft away, sorta-kinda hiding behind a big cube container in the parking lot of the Shoppers while trying to look nonchalant in that “LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! way only the addicted/sketched can.
  • A tipsy dude just about get taken out entirely by a bus, because he was trying to jaywalk in front of it. Sorta like seeing really bad drivers driving a AutoBody Courtesy Car. You can see how they got that way, y’know?
  • The non-full moon behind mist. Can’t blame the moon tonight.

I have to go put away laundry now, and then off to bed.

Tomorrow is Sportball again, I wonder what’s next? Hockey? Bowling? Robot Wars?

Ripley discovered headphones work in the CD player in his room, which means he can listen to music at a volume above “The Red Line.” Now, he’s probably trying to figure out if his stereo can somehow get YouTube.

Posted on November 17th 2008 in General
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