Can you believe this? What the hell, right?
Yes, that’s me (scary, I know) and yes that’s a moustache under my lip (scarier). Alarming, huh?
21 days and this is about as good as I’ve got. There’s a lot of salt in there, which makes for a sorta transluscent stache. Last night, I had to cut back the “chops” a little, ’cause at the bottom of my mouth, my moustache goes WHITE. Not just mostly silver, but platinum/white. I think maybe I should have left it, but GEEZ.
So until the end of the month, I’m going to become more and more of a skeegy-lookin’ dude.
I’m loving the responses from people over the last few days. From “Oh hey, are you doing that Movember thing?” to “What’s the uh, the deal with, uh… are you growing a… uhm…” and they point as if I had glued glitter, spaghetti, and gummy bears under my nose.
Oh! Maybe next year I’ll do THAT!
Why am I doing this? It’s Movember, and to get bring attention to men’s health issues (’cause men should be talking to their doctors about more than things we get spammed about all day). Cancers and things? They don’t spam us about those things. Probably a good thing, now that I think about it.
Oh, and if you’d like to donate a few bucks online to the Prostate Cancer Research Foundation of Canada in honour of my horrifying moustache, please click this link to donate on my behalf, or send a cheque (it’s like a check, but Canadian) to
Prostate Cancer Research Foundation of Canada
Attn: Movember
145 Front Street East
Suite 306
Toronto Ontario M5A 1E3
Please help out, since I’m one of only 8000 or so Canadians. Australia? 100,000+ I bet there’s one in every photo on Flickr right now.
Thank you, good night, and may your Mo, go with you.