Cane Dance

So tonight Rachel and I danced with Team Hareem out in Maple Ridge, at a benefit for breast cancer. Damn, it was fun.

I decided a while ago that I would do more performing, and more getting-my-shimmy-out-there, but this was (I think) the biggest space I’ve performed in.Plus it was a real theater, with real people out there, instead of friends and family.

In the dressing rooms, our desert-coloured tunics definitely stood out amidst the swirl of silk and satin and coin belts and sparkly body gel and coin bras and pompoms and acres and acres of flesh.

Waiting in the wings, I helped Kathleen retie her coin headdress. I hoped it wouldn’t fall off. Then we were on.

I couldn’t see the audience. It was dark out there. But in the limelight, we smiled and cavorted, zagreeted and shook it, and Rachel did such an awesome job of being the ham that stays onstage, we were a massive hit.

I can’t wait to perfome again!

5 Comments to “Cane Dance”

  1. By rachel, May 4, 2009 @ 10:47 am

    It was super fun, indeed. And very polite of you NOT to mention how you totally messed with my mind in the car! Also, you will find this of interest:

  2. By Songbird, May 4, 2009 @ 12:05 pm

    It sounds wonderful; it’s something I always wished I had the coordination and the confidence to do.

  3. By Liz, May 4, 2009 @ 2:36 pm

    Rachel, they must have been SO high when they named that pub!
    Songbird, I didn’t think I had the coordination or confidence, and lo, there I was!

  4. By Stephanie, May 7, 2009 @ 10:26 am

    I miss theater. Listen to me like I was some Broadway dancer. I miss drama in high school. I always had so much fun doing plays. I want to be in another play.

  5. By Erin, May 10, 2009 @ 11:32 am

    Yay you! I wish I could have been there to see it. You should dance at my birthday if you feel the need to get your shimmy on more. =)

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