Against our better judgment and the advice of our friends and families, we decided to celebrate the new studio (in the HEART of the East Siyeeed), the new decade, and the new photographic evidence that is coming to light, and do shows 32 and 33 while having the merest whiff of an alcoholic beverage, in order to loosen our tongues and our minds, that we may bestow upon our listening audience the wisdom that we have acquired over the ages.

Translation: We got drunk during these two shows, couldn’t shut up, and there pictures AND video of the event, thanks to the mighty eye and steady hand of Frank Julian Roberts.

Duncan Shields, Johnny Vancouver, and Zen Render bring the noise, and whatever happens from here on in, remember, we were drunk.  Maybe it’s the best idea we’ve ever had, maybe it’s the worst show we’ve ever done, but hey, it was the FIRST show of 2010, and it was only a month late.

Oh, and if you thought we liked to drop the odd f-bomb  ?  You’re in for a bit of a shock.


You can download the show directly from here by right-clicking (or something similar if you’re using a Mac – weirdo).

01) Talkybit 1
02) DS: I Want Candy/Who Do You Love – Howe Gelb And Scout Niblett
03) JV: Sick Muse – Metric
04) ZR: Cosmic Love – Florence And The Machine
05) Talkybit 2
06) DS: Smack My Orinoco Flow – Prodigy/Enya (Mashup)
07) JV: Stylo – Gorillaz
08) ZR: Robo Tussin (Instr.) – Flying Lotus
09) Talkybit 3
10) DS: Fucken Awesome – Spiderbait
11) JV: Love Vigilantes – New Order
12) ZR: Ain’t Nobody – Smooth Moose Laboratories F. Becca Stevens
13) Talkybit 4
14) DS: The Partridge Family – Horace Pin
15) JV: Boys Who Rape (Should All Be Destroyed) – Raveonettes
16) ZR: Renoise Demosong – Jong Belegen
17) Talkybit 5
18) DS: You Look Familiar – Team William
19) JV: One For My Baby (And One More For The Road) – Frank Sinatra
20) ZR: All Covered In Darkness – DJ Food

Background music for ep#32 was taken from the Fuck Buttons album “Tarot Sport”.

Unknown Origins podcast session – drunken antics & grumping from Helianthus Photography on Vimeo.

Unknown Origins Episode 32 – final talkybit from Helianthus Photography on Vimeo.

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