22: It’s like winter out there, in a good way.

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This morning started with a sleep on the couch while the kids finished breakfast and watched a little TV (a couple glasses of wine last night, and watching some awesomely bad music videos while Jesse was over).

I went to do some banking (moving our RRSP from my old job’s group thing to my own bank) while not really quite awake yet, and not knowing what I was doing, and got some really bad advice.  Like, if the forms had been there, and the transit numbers ready, I would be out about $10,000 on our RRSPs.  Way to go TDCanadaTrust.

Thankfully, nothing was FINISHED finished, so all I actually did was sign up for matching his & hers credit cards we don’t need (was thinking we could put it all in one bank instead of having my credit card account in another banking institution).  I’ll cancel them when they arrive, whenever that is.  Doi.

Got home, had some lunch (taco fixings from last night in a wrap, but microwaved lettuce = evil).  I crashed again.  Ended up sleeping for a half hour and then going to Rip’s school to meet up with everyone.  There’s new swings and both the kids went from being totally weirded out by them to having fun and giggling while trying to kick my hands as I stood in front of them.  Rip was on there for about 30 mins, I think.  There’s pics somewhere on my Blackberry, and I’ll try to upload them later.

Home to make crepe-like pancake things with cottage cheese, peaches, and shredded coconut (we seem to have about nine pounds of the stuff in the house, due to one of those shopping glitches where we think we need something, so we buy it three weeks in a row).  It’s good though, ’cause Arwen likes to make things like chocolate haystacks (is that what they’re called?) and I like eat them.  A lot.

I’ve also been trying to get my music organized for tomorrow’s double-feature of podcasts.  Once again Johnny Vancouver, Shields Up, and yours truly are getting together and doing a show.  This time, we’re doing a ouble-feature, so we can have something ready for now (November’s show) and another for December’s show, ’cause it’s always difficult to figure out when we can get a show done during time when we should be shopping for xmas stuff.

I’ve been mentally keeping notes for tracks for tomorrows shows for the last two months (since the last show, and maybe a month before that).  The tricky part is trying to REMEMBER and re-source everything I was going to use for the next show.  I’m pretty sure I can get 10 tracks together for Noon(ish) tomorrow, so I’m good, but there’s that “I’m going on a trip tomorrow, is everything packed?” panic that I always have before a show.  The stress is fun stress though, not dread, like when I have to go to a board meeting.

Tomorrow afternoon is for hanging with some friends, and listening to some good music.

Should be fun.

Posted on November 22nd 2008 in General
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