Friday Confessions.
Hello, and welcome to another big helping of absolution. Without the Catholicism, of course, because I am not Catholic. And I wouldn’t know what kind of penance to assign. Three Hail Marys? Five? A pilgrimage? Ehn, it’s just too much work. So gather round, while I hand out indulgences like they were candy.
Me? I confess to the following:
1) I am high on cold medication and have been most of this week.
2) The drifty, cotton-wool feeling I get from the cold medication kind of makes me understand serious substance abuse.
3) This week I have made some very bourgeois value judgments. I really dislike that I am classist in any way and would like to change, but I fear I may be too old.
4) I have now been present so much while CSI is on that I can watch an episode for three minutes and then say, “Oh, this is the one where there’s the neo-nazi experimenting on people in his basement.” And be right.
5) I regret being so whiny in the “Open Letter To Some Parents” post. I should just accept things as they are and move on.
6) I am bad at accepting things and moving on.
7) The father of one of my students caught a turtle at the UBC golf course. They are keeping it in a rubbermaid container. I am plotting how to set it free.
Your turn. Good week? Bad week? Any kind of week?