
I thought I was done car jockeying for the day. I was relieved. I’m sick, I cough and sniffle constantly, it’s rainy, I am overtired, worried, and short of fuse. I was ready to come home and write something pithy about crows. But I’ll save that for later.  Just as I was replacing (what I thought to be) the last car, I noticed I had voicemail from the boss, asking about the car move.

“What car move?” I asked him.

“Uh, didn’t you get the email?”

“No. Or maybe I didn’t read it well enough.” (I didn’t. Too high on cold meds to scroll down, ditz!)

It turns out, the new Cube at Tremblay had to go to 1906 Nelson, and that car had to go to Strathcona. And I had forty minutes to do it. In rain-and-construction traffic, in a car I had never driven before, through downtown and two of the ‘traffic-calmed’ areas of town, which means there are very few through streets and you have to go three blocks east before you can get to something going west. Stuff like that.

I have not driven that way for quite some time, nor had that speed metal soundtrack in my head.

Bombing down Georgia, I had to laugh at myself. I wasn’t having a bad day anymore.

Best part: I pulled into Strathcona with a minute to spare and could call the boss to tell him I did it

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