Like Chocolate?
Try this recipe for chocolate truffles:
Put 2/3 of a cup of whipping cream in a heavy saucepan. Bring it to a boil, then take it off the heat.
Add a package (300 grams or 10-12 ounces, it doesn’t seem to matter) of semi-sweet chocolate chips.
Whisk it like a mad thing until it’s smooth. You might have to put it back on low heat for a minute. Don’t stop stirring to answer the phone or the door or anything.
Add a teaspoon of vanilla. Stir it in.
Let it cool and stick it in the fridge until it cools. Then spoon it in scoops* onto a baking sheet.
Freeze it.
Roll the scoops into little balls and coat them in icing sugar.
Keep ‘em in the fridge.
*Scoops should be small. Too big, and you’ll put someone into a chocolate coma. The first ones I made were kind of large, considering how rich the things are. My first efforts were about as wide in diameter as a teaspoon’s bowl. That’s too big, and I hope I don’t kill my dad and brother, the recipients of the first batch of chocolate largesse.