Dear Dr. Seuss

Thank you for writing so many great books.
They’re sneaky and fun. They act as hooks.
Kids read them with glee and grab them with greed,
And before you know it, they’ve learned how to read!

I took “Hop on Pop” to a student today,
It wasn’t work, for him it was play!
He ploughed through the book, and asked for more.
His father was stunned as he watched from the door!

We went on to “One Fish, Two Fish”, and the going was tough,
But that little kid couldn’t get enough!
He knows he’ll get better if he keeps on this way.
He learned at least five new sight words today!

So Dr. Seuss, I suppose I’m writing to tell
That your books act like a magical spell.
You’ve fillled a very important need,
By writing the books that teach kids to read!

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