Mr. Bloggle Is Too Good.

My spam filter never finds anything interesting. I’ve never once been offered penile implants, larger breasts, or German midget porn.

I do get the occasional ad for amoxacillin, which gave me a rash when I was two years old, and online poker, which I don’t know how to play.

Excellent work, Gecko Bloggle.

4 Comments to “Mr. Bloggle Is Too Good.”

  1. By Arwen, February 28, 2007 @ 3:46 pm

    I imagine that’s merely because you haven’t gone and published your blog URL at a billion and one controversial and high profile comment streams. I get at least 300 spam hits per day caught in my filter, most of them for various sorts of porn real and surreal. And it’s the same server.
    However, I am a comment WHORE.
    Therefore, they follow me home with their dirty talking.

  2. By Liz, March 1, 2007 @ 12:02 am

    Fairy Muff. I don’t comment much in high-traffic places.

    Maybe I should start.

  3. By stephanie, March 1, 2007 @ 10:28 am

    How about I give you some of my insurance quotes?

    No, no, not any specific insurance quotes. Just quotes. From insurance. 100 times a day.

  4. By Liz, March 3, 2007 @ 2:57 pm

    Oooh, insurance quotes! Can’t get enough of those, hand ‘em over, Stephanie!

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