Archive for the 'Why do words suddenly appear…' Category

Going to New York

Everyone's heard me say this, by now, but I'm writing it anyway. The first time I ever wrote anything of size was a play in one ...

Guest Post – Writing Process

-- I got this email about process from a writer friend and was overwhelmed by its succinct kick-in-the-face truth. With permission, I'm sharing it anonymously ...

Query update

There's only one ms left out there now. Most are back - and all in all, it was a successful query run for me, where ...

Thoughts from Mega Me

First, promised followup: I have adjusted rather fabulously to my new glasses. And my new stature. I realize I've been seeing myself as increasingly dwarven over ...

Almost half way

At least in terms of chapters. 10 chapters down, 10 to go - although there are more pages in the second half. I'm still feeling ...


Although it's an artifact of writing more slowly than time passes and writing in linear time, I am experiencing an illicit thrill to find that my fictional season has lined ...

New Style

I have written everything by finding characters, living with them for awhile, and then creating structure for them; finding out what the themes are, building a ...

Holy crap, November, what do you WANT from me?

blahblahblahblah POST blah. Yes, a day like that. A long day. We're at the end of. Thank god. You know, November gets like that sometimes.

Switching gears

Today, my brain finally moved on this photo essay, and a big part of that was seeing some of RLo's stunning images. I'm really excited about the ...

